Your abs take up a large area of your core. In fact a lot of people think your abs are your core. But... there's a whole other side to it. It's called your back! Here are the main muscles that make up your core.
- Rectus abdominis - This is the main muscle in your ab group. It runs down the centre of your tummy. These are the muscles that eventually turn into a six pack. To work them, try out some of these great exercises.
- Transverse abdominis - This is the deepest of your ab muscles. It needs to be worked to build a solid foundation for your six pack.
- Internal and external obliques - These are the muscles that wrap around your waist. They're really important for any sideways motion. Check out some of our great oblique exercises.
- Erector spinae - These are your main lower back muscles. Keep these strong if you want to avoid lower back pain. Check out the lower back exercises here.
I need to get a good ball! It seems that the ones I have had before dont hold up well. I asked Cindy (my friend who owns the gym here) to order me one of her good ones thats sturdy and bigger cause im so tall. I cant wait to get it! Cant decide if I should take it to work to sit on or leave at home to use! Thoughts?
Yes, a good ball is key. Plus, it's fun! We have two sizes at my house - his & hers.
As for what to do with the ball.....
It is nice to sit on for work. It's very good for your core. I guess, just leave it where it'll get the most use. Also, if the new one holds up, you can get another one for the other location.
Let me know if you have a webcam. Maybe we can do some practice exercises online.
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