Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Vast Applications

Individualization has vast implications for your entire fitness program— not just exercise. For instance, just because 99% of Americans rely on commercial gyms for their fitness needs doesn't mean that YOU have to. You may prefer to train at home, or even outdoors. Today, people have access to an almost limitless variety of exercise modalities, including aqua fitness, martial arts, elastic resistance bands, yoga, dance, you name it. Many roads lead to Rome, so do what you enjoy.

Smart athletes also know that nutrition must be individualized as well. Case in point: English bodybuilder and elite strength athlete Gary Taylor. Despite the conventional advice of eating a high protein diet, Gary feels he does best on high carbs and low protein. With a 600 pound behind-the-neck push press to his credit, it's hard to argue with his unique approach.

Your goals don't need to be structured in conventional ways, either. While most seek more muscle or strength, you might find more satisfaction pursuing other objectives, such as everyday functional ability, or simply the sense of well-being that comes with following an exercise program. It's important to enjoy the process of training. If you're getting the results you want, don't change a thing. But if you're still not satisfied, try the suggestions we've outlined here. Lastly, remember that your individuality is a dynamic concept. As you progress, your exercise program must be constantly modified.

That's right. Your body will help determine what you need. If you get stuck, get some help.

Not only do our fitness goals determine what type of exercise we should do, but also our personalities. Some people find gyms boring, but they love salsa or bhangra class. I chose martial arts because I'm rambunctious, and I supplement it with weight training & cardio. One one person likes, another doesn't.

You probably won't see me running any marathons. Not because I can't, but because it doesn't interest me. However, some people get complete ecstasy from it. The point is, choose the activity you like most and work around that to determine the best way for you to be fit.


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