Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Tailoring Your Program

How can you individualize your training in a meaningful way? First, take an inventory of your own situation. For instance, in the first category, you might start by assessing your somatype. Are you an ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph? Do you have any postural problems that need to be concerned with? Do you have a high percentage of fast twitch, or slow twitch fibers?(You can get an estimate by seeing how many reps you can perform with 75% of your one rep maximum for any given exercise. If you can only do five or six reps, you're a "fast twitcher." If you can get twelve or more reps, you're probably a "slow twitcher.")

Once you've created a profile for yourself, you can then begin to create a training program which takes your unique characteristics into account. Start with your objectives, and consider the constraining factors you're operating under. These two variables will narrow your options considerably. Next, consider the most significant characteristics that make you unique. Age and training experience, for example. Younger people with more experience generally have more options than older people with less experience. Finally, examine your health status, including any postural problems you may have (resolving health problems should always be the first priority in any training program).

After you've spent some time analyzing your situation, you should be able to home-in on a basic program that will best suit your needs. Later, you can make minute adjustments as the need presents itself.

When you get the basics down, let me know if you need additional help tailoring a program for you!

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