Stand behind the BOSU. Bend the knees and keep the abs tight as you hop onto the top of the dome, landing with the knees bent in a squat. Step back down with the right foot and repeat 16 times. March in place for 8 counts and repeat, this time stepping down with the left foot. Be sure to land right in the middle of the ball. If landing with both feet simultaneously is too hard, go for a staggered landing, one foot at a time.
Squat Jumps
Stand on the BOSU with feet spaced evenly. Bend your knees and squat, as though you're sitting back in a chair. Then jump up as high as you can and land with soft knees, lowering back into a squat. Repeat for 10 reps and march in place (on the floor or BOSU) before repeating.
The BOSU is pretty fun, though I don't have one at home right now. It's a great tool for balance and core improvement. The best alternative to this, if you don't have a BOSU, is to do jump squats on the floor. You won't achieve the same level of core training, but you will get the work out in your legs, and if you go quickly, yet safely, you'll get some good cardio in, too.

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