It seems like there aren't many ways to work the lower back but, if you're tired of the same old extensions, try this hyperextension. It works the lower back and it also involves the glutes and the hamstrings as a nice bonus. If you have any back injuries or problems, you may want to skip this exercise (and see your doctor, of course). The key to keeping this move safe is to avoid swinging the legs and taking them too far above the hips. Also, keep the abs engaged as you lift the legs so you avoid straining the lower back.
- Lie down with the ball under the torso and hips and rest the forearms on the floor.
- Legs should be straight out behind you, toes resting on the floor in an upside down V.
- Keeping the legs together (and the knees straight, if you can), lift the legs up until they're level with the hips.
- Lower back down, lightly touching the floor, and repeat for 1-3 sets of 10-16 reps.
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