Sunday, February 28, 2010

Types Of Obesity

Obesity is basically classified according to the shape and nature of the body. Weight loss technique too varies to a great extend depending on the type of obesity. Often the classification is based on factors such as the area where fat gets accumulated and the reason for obesity. If the classification is based on age, then it is classified as obesity by birth and obesity during growth. Obesity during growth is further classifed as simple obesity or basic obesity and double obesity.

Besides, the classification is also done depending on part of the body where the fat is accumulated. For effective weight loss it is necessary to understand the body structure and the nature of obesity.

Obesity In Childhood

This is a state where children turn obese before an year of growth. Almost always heredity factors the cause for this. Obesity in adolescence is a serious issue and require immediate attention. However it is not easy to cure such cases. Diet control and exercise are often found less effective in such cases.

Obesity During Growth

Most people turn obese due to the circumstances and enviorment they grow in. Lack of exercise and over eating are the reasons for such type of obesity. This can be controlled through proper diet habbits and regular exercise.

Obesity Due To Illness

Obesity sometimes happen due to other defects in the body. Thyroid complaints, cushing’s syndrome, digestion problems, polysystic ovary disease, psycological disorders and brain defects causes obesity. To cure obesity due to these causes, treatment should be targetting the diseases.

Obesity According To Body Structure

Obesity is classified according to the shape and structure of the body. They are called apple and pear based on the shapelessness caused due to excess fat.

Apple: When the fat accumulates around stomach, that part alone bulges out resembling an apple. It is called apple shape obesity. This is mainly found in men. Apple shape may denote the existance of heart disease and diabetes.

Pear: Upper part of the body leans out compared to the lower part. This shape is called pear as it resembles the pear fruit. This shape is otherwise said to be identical to an electric bulb. Shrunk shoulders and chest, comparatively larger middle portion and thighs are the features of pear shape. This is also known as gyno obesity.

Classification According To Type Of Fat Settlement

Obesity is also classified based on the parts of the body where the fat is accumulated. Belt Shape: Fat get accumulated around the middle part of the body. The belt shape is formed when fat settles around the stomach, back, abdomen etc creating a belt like formation.

Lower Body Obesity: In this form of obesity fat gets accumulated in the lower part of the body including the buttocks and thighs.

Upper Body Obesity: This is a state when fats form behind the shoulder, face and upper portions of the body.

Inflated Waist: In few people fat is formed around the waist and the inner part of the thighs. This is commmonly found in aged women.

Classification According To The Marks Found On The Body

Obesity is again classified. Each marks may denote an enormous fat accumulation. There is a possibility that fat can make upto 35% of women’s body weight and 30% of men’s body weight. In few people the fat marks won’t be visible nomatter how much fat is accumulated in their body.

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