Sunday, February 28, 2010


Yoga is increasingly becoming popular in western countries. The benefits of yogasanas are being identified by the western world and more and more people from countries such as United States Of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and almost all European Countries are following yogasana as an integral part of their daily routine. Cycling may sound more western but its origin is in ancient India.

How To Perform Cycling

  1. Lie on your back with your legs streched forward. Place your hand on either sides of your body with your palms touching the floor.
  2. Raise both of your legs up and move your legs as if you are riding an bycycle. Complete circles with each of your legs
  3. Breathe normally during this yoga training
  4. The imaginative circles you create with your legs shall be as big as possible.
  5. Rest your legs when you complete 6 rounds with each legs.
  6. Now move your legs in reverse direction. Do this for another 6 rounds. Wait for few seconds and start again.
  7. Now change the direction and create the rounds by moving your legs in forward direction.
  8. Again repeat the process in reverse direction by moving the leg backword. Do it for another 6 rounds.
  9. Make sure you take enough rest in between changing directions.

Benefits Of Cycling

  • Offer strength and relaxation to the abdominal muscles and leg joints.
  • Help to stimulate and recharge the nerve function.
  • Good for arthritis. This exercise also prevent the possiblity of arthritis.
  • One can do this exercise early morning while still in bed.

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