Monday, July 13, 2009

Motivational Tip #4

Let's call this Kathy Smith week. I really like her advice on motivation, which is why I'm sharing it with you. See below for my comments in italics.

Make it a Priority

Working with clients who wanted to lose weight or get in shape, I've noticed over the years that certain people can take the information and make it work for them, while others have huge stumbling blocks and excuses. I've heard them all: no time, lack of energy, sore back or knee, don't know what to do, confused, etc. (No excuses. This is your health, your life. If you aren't healthy, then you are not making your life a priority).

What's your excuse? Why don't you take better care of your health?

My experience has been that some people are able to make up their minds to lose weight and exercise. (I know a few people who are great role models in this category). They just do it. And some people can't. I don't think it's a lack of willpower. It's just that some people either fail to see the importance of getting healthy or they feel that life has conspired against them.

The truth, though, is that people who've succeeded don't have more time or fewer problems. It's just that they've chosen to make good health a high enough priority. They've discovered ways of adjusting their schedules and lives in order to exercise and eat right.

There are plenty of days when I don't feel like putting in time on the treadmill or working out. But when I experience these thoughts, I immediately say "STOP" or "LET IT GO!" - meaning stop the thought or let that thought go. Then, I think about how I'll feel after exercising. Next, I'll think about something a little different I could do that day to add variety to the workout, like putting on an old CD, say, Elton John or U2, which helps to shift my mind-set. Then I go into the ritual of putting on my shoes and workout clothes. Often, this is enough to stop the chatter in my mind. Instead of listening to "Oh, I'm tired, I don't feel like doing this," I shift to "I'm going to feel so great after this workout." I wonder if the weather will be nice tomorrow so we can go for a long hike." Or, "I wonder what I can do with the kids this weekend." Once you set your body in motion, you've won more than half the battle. (Sometimes I feel too tired to go to my Tae Kwon Do class, but I'm never tired once I get there. You just have to motivate yourself to go. That's the biggest challenge).

What also helps is to review all your reasons for wanting and needing to work out in the first place. When people come to me personally for weight-loss help, I insist that they set some goals. For example: "I need to lose fifty pounds."

Why? I ask.

Usually a woman's first answer is, "well, I want to look better." But there are surface goals and inner-personal goals. The first is usually about wishes, the other about priorities. Surface goals tend to stand isolated from the bigger picture of life, so they're not as powerful when it comes to keeping you motivated. The woman who answers, "I want to look better" won't be as motivated - and therefore stands a lesser chance of success.

On the other hand, the inner personal goals reflect real priorities. If you can get to the reasons behind wanting to look better, then there is a much greater chance of success. For instance, "Okay, I admit it. Every day when my kids come home I snap at them, because I'm so tired and short-tempered. My husband and I don't make love anymore because I don't feel good about myself. I look in the mirror every day and don't like the way my eyes look; they're saggy and make me look older than I am. I don't seem to have the confidence I used to have."

These words often carry the weight of a commandment. Your goal now isn't just thinner thighs or flatter abs. It's improving your entire life, and the way you feel about yourself.

If you really want something, and your reasons for it are strong enough, they will motivate you to make it a priority. They will be stronger than your inertia or your laziness.

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